How can you use S.M.A.R.T. Goals in the classroom?
S.M.A.R.T. goals can be used in the classroom to help you achieve your goal no matter what it is. You can use S.M.A.R.T. goals to improve grades or personal habits. The most important thing is to use them!
Example: Meet Ahmad.
Ahmad has dreams of starting his own business one day. His dad owns his own furniture store and Ahmad has grown up visiting the store with his dad. He sees how hard his dad works every day. To reach his dream, Ahmad knows he has to understand math and how it is used in owning a business.

I want to get better at multiplication.I'll know I'm successful when I can solve problems faster and solve problems with big numbers.In order to accomplish my goal, I will make multiplication flashcards and have my parents quiz me.This goal is important to me because being quick at multiplication will give me more time to solve hard math problems.I will reach my goal by the end of this semester.
Example: Meet Talisha.
Talisha, an imaginative 8th grader, has a love of art. She really loves the architecture of the houses in her neighborhood and loves to draw them. She wonders if she can combine her love of art with architecture one day.

I want to learn about physics.I'll know I'm successful when I am able to correctly solve physics problems.In order to accomplish my goal, I will dedicate 30 minutes every day to studying physics concepts and solving related problems for one month.This goal is important to me because right now we're learning about physics in my science class which is important in architecture.I will reach my goal by the end of this month.
Example: Meet Vincent.
Meet Vincent, a 5th grader who goes to Maplewood Elementary School. He loves learning about science, math, and reading amazing books that take him on exciting adventures. But sometimes, Vincent has a hard time managing his time, and it gets in the way of doing his best in school.

I want to improve my reading comprehension. I will choose books that are interesting to me, so I am interested in reading them.I will keep track of my progress by counting the number of pages I read each day.In order to accomplish my goal, I will read one chapter of a book each week this month.This goal is important to me because improving my reading skills will not only help me in English class but also in other subjects like science and math.I will reach my goal by the end of this year.